Aubrey Vincent
Over his career, Aubrey has held various positions focusing on Mental Health, Critical Incident Stress Intervention and Emotional and Spiritual Care. Aubrey retired in August, 2019 from the St. John’s Regional Fire Department as Chaplain and Behavioral
Health Coordinator. Prior to this, he held the position of Director of Emergency Disaster Services for Newfoundland and Labrador with The Salvation Army. Aubrey is also a retired teacher and holds a Master of Education degree in Leadership.
Aubrey has been significantly involved with Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). He is an Approved Instructor for the Individual and Peer Course, Croup Crisis Intervention Course, Advanced Group Crisis Intervention and Grief following Trauma course. He has been quite active in providing facilitation for crisis interventions for the St. John’s Regional Fire Department as well as many other Fire Departments in NL., RNC witnesses and other First Responder and community groups. This continues since retirement.
He has worked in several Disaster situations and was an Incident Commander for the Salvation Army’s response to Hurricane Igor in NL, High River Flood in Alberta and the Fort McMurray Response. Aubrey was awarded the Community Services Award by the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and the John N. Cardolis Memorial Award by the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Fire Services, both in 2017. He is married to Christine and have two daughters, Valerie and Vanessa. They have three grandchildren, Julie, William and Megan. He’s an avid fisherman, canoeist and motorcyclists. He enjoys spending part of his winters in Florida.
May 10, 2024 Day 3
PTSD is such a complex disorder; Aubrey will start off with a brief overview of his work history. Then he will explain the following: PTSD vs PTS, causes of PTSD, symptoms, treatments, male vs female and family and work. He will also touch on different professions and exposures and if trauma related interventions impact PTSD.