Frank Martin
Frank Martin is a registered Occupational Health Nurse who has been involved in the Energy Sector for over 30 years. Franks has worked in rotational roles providing direct worker care and emergency response team management
He has worked in many settings and organizational levels with major Oil and Gas producers and has worked to develop practical and knowledge based Occupational Health Programs. Frank has worked on various industry committees related to Impairment in the workplace including the COAA "Canadian model" and the CSA workplace impairment standard. Frank currently works in an Occupational Health leadership role with a major Canadian-American Energy and Utilities Company
May 9, 2025 Day 3
An Empathetic approach to Alcohol & Drug Case/Risk Management
Despite the growing acknowledgement and enlightenment on the impact of mental health in the workplace; a serious mental Health issue still tends to get filtered out and treated differently; Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Alcohol and Drug issues in the workplace are real and increasing. Your approach to Policy management will impact your risk. What if we looked at reality of Alcohol and Drug human factors, and the efforts we make to mitigate the workplace risks, all the way through your Policy and program? Approaching employees as humans first, will lead to a safer workplace.