Jan Chappel
Jan Chappel is a Senior Technical Specialist at the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) where she provides expertise in mental health, workplace safety, occupational hygiene, and education to CCOHS’ team of specialists. Jan is the project lead for the Center’s online fact sheets (OSH Answers) and publications. She works on a variety of projects including e-courses, and creating web tools and mobile apps for organizations such as WorkSafe New Brunswick, WorkplaceNL, PEI, and WorkSafe Saskatchewan and authoring e-learning courses.She has also developed health and safety educational material for teachers in Ontario and Costa Rica, and co-authored CCOHS’ publication, Workplace Strategies: Risk of Impairment from Cannabis.
She is an active member of several Canadian Standards Association technical committees, including Occupational Health and Safety Training, Incident Investigation, Management of impairment in the workplace. Jan received a Masters of Health Science degree in Occupational Hygiene from the University of Toronto and a Honours Bachelor degree in Health Studies from the University of Waterloo.